About Greenleaf Healthcare

Does Greenleaf Healthcare take insurance?

At this time we are not currently accepting insurance although we are happy to provide you with an itemized superbill for you to submit to your insurance. This Superbill will be coded according to your visit and treatment. Your reimbursement from your insurance company will be based on your coverage plan, please check your policy.

Does Greenleaf Healthcare work with other health professionals?

Yes. Although we have a variety of practitioners at our clinic, we are focused on an interdisciplinary approach and would be glad to be part of that team. We will also suggest resources or referrals for treatment or imaging outside of our scope. As health can be complex, it is good to have a team of professionals working with you.

Emergency preparedness

We offer bulk prescription medications, shipped directly to you (including antibiotics, epinephrine, and many other prescriptions) as part of your emergency preparedness medical kit …following a short virtual/phone consultation🌿

Your first Naturopathic consultation is very comprehensive and the visit is typically 20-30 minutes. This time includes getting to know you, hearing your story..gathering history and current symptoms, and putting together a wellness plan that best supports you. We want to support you in reaching your optimal level of health and are available for virtual consultations for medical and counseling sessions. Follow up visits are generally 30 minutes and will include checking in on the progress of your health and treatment plan, address any questions, and continue offering compassionate Naturopathic support. We also have acute care visits which can be a 15 minute consultation and prescription or add additional time for an acute care treatment session.

Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct branch of health care that emphasizes prevention and treatment through the use of natural therapeutics. It blends modern and traditional, ancient medicine backed with scientific data. The doctors at Greenleaf Healthcare who practice Naturopathic Medicine completed a 4 year post graduate training program where we were trained as primary care physicians. The first 2 years of training include the basic sciences (such as anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry) and medical information (including pathology, diagnosis, and physical exams). The following 2 years focus on naturopathic modalities (such as botanicals, physical medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, and nutrition). At Greenleaf we provide a comprehensive approach to your health by offering a variety of healing therapies with expertly trained professionals.